Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Take The Plunge...

I don't usually post on the weekends but I've been trying to get this post up the last 3 days.  It has just been crazy around here!

Another great thing we have had the priviledge honor to be a part of, was a baptism service at our church.  The Hubs and I were asked to help plan a fun celebration around our usual baptism service and we, party planning lovers, jumped at the opportunity.  We were so thankful they valued our opinions and took and went with a lot of our ideas, for example our theme of "Take the Plunge."  So we, along with many other talented volunteers put together a fabulous time.  We had a tailgating party with fun games, face painting, bouncers, and a dunk tank for the kiddos.  Everyone brought their own food and grilled out and socialized.  The Hubs had the fabulous idea to have our own Red Bull Flugtag event.  Now since we obviously couldn't have things flying we decided to make devices and see how far they could float.  So while everyone was tailgating we provided the supplies for them to create their own FLOATENTAG devices, our spin on Flugtag.  At 4 the baptism service began in a pond near by.  One thing I love about our church's baptism service is that each participant (if they want) gets a chance to share their testimonies.  These men and women and even children have such inspiring stories and are just amazing reminders of how having God in our lives can change us, for the better!  Following the service we had our Floatentag event, and it was a hit!  There was some great and creative boats!  Here are some pics from the event (unfortunately I didn't get any of the tailgating-too busy registering baptizees and boaters): 

Bella and Avi hanging out in our Floatentag device...

Having a grand old time and practicing their moves for the race!

All the boaters lined up and ready to go!
We had made a boat for Bella but hadn't planned on participating, well when Bella heard her daddy announce to bring the boats down and line up, she apparently picked hers up and made her way to the lake (Jake and Shari were watching her though-what a good listener : ) ).  Here is where she parked her boat, waiting with the other racers.
Sissy joined in on the fun too!
Mr. Dion graciously offered to push Bella in the pond a bit since I didn't have the heart to tell her she couldn't race.

Her daddy asked, "Who's ready to start the race."  Sat there with her little hand in the air!
We had 17 boats in all, not including our wonderful addition though!
There she goes!
Look at them all go!
Bella showing off her medal.
What a wonderful event to be a part of, I look forward to our next!  Would you be interested in Taking the Plunge with us next time!? 
The Chapel of Grayslake


Lexi said...

HI! I saw your comment on Mckmama! I wanted to share my website with you:
I will be donating a portion of all sales to the String of pearls to help families and babies like Stellan! I am trying to get it out there in any way I can! Please let your family, friends etc. I would really appreciate it!
Thanks!! :)

Lisa said...

It was a great event Barclay...Thanks for serving so faithfully :) (thanks to Vince too!)

Allie said...

I came upon your blog from someone else's blog. I started reading blogs shortly after my son was born in March 2009. I got hooked on MckMama's blog and Angie's blog and some others. I have been thinking about starting my own blog, but was unsure about it. I had some of the same fears and qualms about starting blogging. (I have started going back to the beginning of your blog and reading it). I also was unsure if I wanted pictures of my son on the internet for the world to see. But I wanted to let you know that you made me change my mind, and now I am going to start blogging. I have only read a little bit of your blog, but I think you are a great writer. I put you up there with Angie and MckMama. And I also think you are very creative. That was such a neat idea for the baptism celebration for your church. I also loved your not me Monday posts. SO, I hope you don't mind but I will be reading your blog. And thanks to you, I will be starting my own, hopefully on Monday. Thanks for sharing, I enjoy it. I also love photography and I love your pictures. Your girls are so cute. Oh, one more thing, I graduated from TIU as well, in 2000.

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    I used to be an elementary teacher but am now a stay-at-home mommy with three sweet baby girls. Bella is 6, Brynn is 4, and Brooklyn is 1. We also have a sweet Golden Retriever named Beckham. I have been married to the love of my life, Vincent, for almost 12 years. Although I hate the cold I am a Chicago girl through and through. And thats about all I've got!

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