5 days ago
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Happy 5 week Bday Brooke!
I'm 5 weeks today!!
I've already done so much in my 35 days here in the world. Including going on our family's annual apple orchard trip this last week. : )
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Brooklyn's Birthday (longest post EVER)....
Well the day began just as the days before had. After a very unrestful night sleep, for myself, we all got up around 8ish. We headed downstairs and had our Honeynut Cheerios. Then the girls watched some morning cartoons while the hubs and I headed up to get ready for the day. Just as on Brynn's birthday, it was so surreal to me that I would be meeting my precious baby girl in just a few hours. My parents and our family of four gathered to say a prayer for our big day and take one last family picture. Afterwards the hubs and I left, a bit late, for the hospital. As soon as we arrived, just like with Brynn, we were taken to a triage room to be checked in, IVed up, be put on monitors, and asked a zillion random questions. My c-section was scheduled for noon but early on the informed us that another case may bump us back. This had me a little worried because my parents and the girls were going to come see the baby briefly before heading home for naps, and pushing it back would put a kink in those plans. My hubs and I hung out quietly in the triage room. Even though I had become increasingly swollen I was so cold. My hubs and nurse took great care of me and covered me in some fashionable socks (wish I had gotten a pic : ) ) and a warmed blanket. I was just a bundle of nerves. I hate, hate, hate needles and my first lovely nurse couldn't get my IV in so another was going to try. Kill me now! Thankfully the other nurse was successful. The hubs and I made small talk and tweeted to pass the time. Soon my Dr. came to say hello- I just love her!- as well as the Dr. assisting her (he brought Bella and Brynn into the world) and the anesthesiologist. We asked if we were still running behind and it turns out they weren't, which they always seem to be at Dr.'s offices and hospitals. I literally walked out of the triage room to head to surgery at 12:01. I have to go in the surgery room all by myself. I just hate that. Its so lonely and scary and all that's there to comfort you are strangers. I will give Lake Forest credit, they do their very best to make you feel as comfortable as you can. During the spinal you have to hunch over and are hugged by someone as they do the procedure. With Brynn I had to hug this large, male nurse and it was just weird. This time a lovely older, female nurse cuddled with me. : ) Almost immediately my legs began to tingle and things were on their way. Everyone in the room was very nice and kept me distracted with conversation. I told them I remember that with Brynn's birth I remember them discussing American Idol the whole time. This time the topic of conversation was our future children, and whether or not there should be any. When they heard this was our third daughter, they of course asked if we were going to go for a fourth. I informed them the hubs didn't want to for fear of 4 girls and that I was totally up for it! So everyone gave their two cents. My Dr. said she was the 4th girl and her dad always gave her a hard time. The anesthesiologist informed us he had 3 older sisters. In the end everyone basically told the hubs we should go for it. : ) They told me things may take longer since it was my third c-section due to scar tissue and such but my doctor kept telling me what a wonderful patient I was since I barely had any scaring! Like I said, I walked out of triage at 12:01 and Brooklyn was born at 12:23! So it was all very quick! Brooke came out screaming bloody murder. I thought for sure we were in trouble. She screamed for quite a bit. Finally, the hubs said he walked over to her and as soon as he laid his hands on her and started talking to her she was quiet.
Now when Brynn was born, shortly afterwards they took her to the nursery to be weighed and tested and such and during this time our friends and family were allowed to watch and meet Brynn, while I was in recovery for 3 hours. We assumed this would be the case again, unfortunately it wasn't. Now the baby comes with to recovery for the 3 hours. Well, thanks to Steve Jobs, we found a way around this issue. My dad and the hubs and I have iPhone 4 and thanks to their Facetime feature (its like Skype but for your phone) my parents and the girls were able to talk and meet their new baby sister/granddaughter! Just wish we had known ahead of time so they could have just done it from home.
While in recovery Brooklyn was again screaming. Anytime anyone would touch her- to weight her, do footprints, etc.- she would scream. Thankfully though as soon as the hubs talked to her she stopped. I thought for sure we were going to have a high maintenance girl on our hands (I guess time will tell : )). She also was awake the ENTIRE 3 hours we were in recovery. She was so alert and wanted to keep her eyes on everything. Things in recovery did NOT go well for me. My last two c-sections were quite a breeze (well as far as major surgery goes). I didn't feel any pain for 24 hours and medication quickly took care of the pain when it started. Now I'm not sure why but almost immediately afterwards I was in pain. The anesthesiologist had asked me my reaction to alcohol and when I said I don't drink he said he was going to use a lower dose of whatever. Also the hubs said my Dr. was much quicker and rougher than the one that delivered the big girls. So I'm not sure but perhaps because of both of those things I was in a lot of pain, quickly following the surgery. So they kept giving me pain meds and then giving me more when they didn't work, and then more when they didn't work. The out of no where- I didn't get any warning- I began throwing up. Now when your stomach has been cut open and you were already in pain, throwing up DOES NOT help! I had thrown up with Brynn once, but it was after they had moved me to my room and I think just the movement had gotten to me. So now I was in pain and throwing up, not fun! A couple of times after I had thrown up I started crying and my lovely nurse kept saying, "Oh I think she's just disappointed that she's throwing up." I can tell you lady that is NOT why I was crying. It sucks throwing up and it HURT! Anyway, after 3 hours, they move you down to your official room. It was nice to be in our room. Finally decided to order some food (I hadn't eaten since dinner the day before). Unfortunately, it didn't go so well. I proceeded to throw it, and all other food and liquid the rest of the day, up. Once at my room I finally got to really hold my baby. I think I may have attempted to breastfeed. And my family and the big sisters came back! We also had our dear friends come in and meet Brooklyn.
When Bella and Brynn were born they looked identical. When Brooklyn was born she definitely had a different look. As she's gotten older I see more of Bella in her, and sometimes a little Brynn, but she definitely has a different look, her nose is different some how. So we'll see who she ends up looking like. Brooke has the lightest hair of all the girls. Even though the big girls have light hair, especially Bella, they were both born with dark hair, but Brooke actually has blonde hair on top and in front.
Even though it was a hard day for me physically, it was such a special day. I finally got to meet my 3rd precious baby girl. Already the yuckiness of that day is being forgotten!
A now for all the pics!
Last family of 4 pic! Me in all my swollenness!
Its hard to see but the hubs made a t-shirt announcing Brooklyn's name on it.
My mom and the girls made cookies with Brooke's name on it for visitors and hospital staff.
All checked in and ready to go!
She's here and NOT happy about it!
My first glance.
Instantly happy when she hears daddy.
Wouldn't take her eyes off of him, even after they gooped them all up.
I captured these pics of the new daddy, then I proceeded to throw up. : (
The girls "seeing" their baby sis for the first time!
The girls "seeing" their baby sis for the first time!
Thank you Dr. H for bringing Brooklyn safely into the world!
Back to screaming.
All clean (see the blonde hair?) and happy listening to daddy again.
Finally I get to get my hands on her!
And the big sisters too!
Lymans visit.
And Chevriers. So did the McMahons and Droesslers but I forgot to get their pics. : (
Mormor Domier had a quick visit too and came back the following week to help us out.
Even my sweet cousin Brieg came to meet Brooklyn!
Finally heading home, a day early!
Big sisters are happy to finally have her home!
Monday, September 20, 2010
An Angel....
I have to break in on my bit of rewinding today for a special post.
My precious baby girl is 4 weeks old today!
Wow. Hard to believe. Although during the wee hour feedings, and while suffering from cracked and bleeding nipples (sorry TMI), I have found myself wishing time would pass quicker so I could feel more rested and not be in such pain, in the end that's not really what I want. Oh this sweet time goes way too quickly. I love, love the newborn time. The coos they make while feeding, the grunts they make in their sleep, the way they arch their back and stick out their booties when you pick them up, the way their sweet little fingers wrap around yours, the way they can sleep through 2 screaming sisters one second and be awoken by a gentle step of your shoe the next, the way they snuggle up on your chest, the way you can lift them with just one hand, the way they'll just sleep in your arms, etc.
Already, I look at my precious baby and she's looking so much bigger to me. : ( Although I long for pain free feedings and a full night sleep, I long she keep her tiny little self snuggled up on my chest longer. Don't grow up too fast baby girl. Mommy loves you!
So what is Brooklyn up to/like at 4 weeks? Well, like I may have mentioned before- she's an angel. She only cries when tired or hungry and even then is easily soothed. Thankfully, she goes 3 t0 4 hours between feedings. I got one 5 hour chunk out of her one night (but then big sister Bella woke up with a bad dream, so much for extra sleep). She, amazingly, is already on a (relaxed) schedule. Here is our day:
7-8: Wakes, eats, then playtime
9-11: Naps
11-12: Wakes, eats, then playtime
12/1-3/4: Naps
3-4: Wakes, eats, then playtime
4-6: Naps
7-8: Wakes, eats, bath time, night time routine, and down for the night (well sort of) : )
9-10: I feed her once more before I go to bed
1-2: wake, feed, bed
4-5: wake, feed, bed
and then we start the day all over again!
So what is she like? She's a very content little baby, she has my horrible toes, still looks so different than her sisters but I think she's has the Domier genes and looks most like Bella for now, she is SO noisy in her sleep (hence the fact she was moved to her own room as soon as I healed-2 weeks), when she is awake she is so alert and just stares at everything with great, big wide eyes, her neck isn't as strong as I remember her sisters' being at this age so we're trying to have a lot of tummy time to make it stronger, she hardly spits up at all (big sisters were the spittiest babies EVER!), she smiled at me once (but it may have been gas : ) ), she has the hardest time pooping (every feeding she grunts and groans working stuff out), she has a darker complexion like Brynn, I don't think I'll buy anymore newborn diapers (they fit just perfectly now and I don't want to have any unused), she finally now fits newborn clothing perfectly (she still fits preemie clothes lengthwise but her arms are a bit too long) so its only a matter of time before she outgrows them. : ( I'm currently nursing and pumping and she does great with both, she likes to be loosely swaddled and have a blanket snuggled up against her cheek (which I only do during the day), she sleeps anywhere great right now, after about 45-60 minutes of awake time I snuggle her up and place her in her bed, the bouncer, or swing and she drifts right into sleep on her own!! If I wait a little too long to put her down to sleep all it takes is her passie and some patting on her butt. Her sisters love her to death! They are constantly asking where she is and if they can give her kisses. They've taken to carrying their baby dolls around, having them swaddled in a blanket, and nursing them.
I hope to get back to catching up on the last couple weeks soon! Next to share is about Brooklyn's birthday!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Our Family of Four's Last Day....
So they day before we added number 5 to our family, we wanted to get out and enjoy some end of the summer weather. (Good thing we did because ever since we got back from the hospital we transitioned straight into lovely fall weather). We decided to spend the day at a near by lake and have a picnic lunch. It was a perfect day with my mom, my love, and my two big girls!
Ready for Little Bean to come!
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