Now the second month when "my friend" arrived again I honestly felt the peace of what He had taught me the previous month. My impatient nature had been given assurance that it was all in His timing and that He had a perfect plan for me. I was sad but I was ok with it. I guess I'm not really sure how to express it. Shortly after this I discovered a good acquaintance of mine had just suffered a miscarriage. I realized right then the reason I was on the path I was on. If I hadn't experienced a miscarriage myself there was no way I could truly be there and sympathize with her. I knew God wanted me to be an encouragement to her. And during this time she was also an encouragement to me! It was so nice to be able to share our story and feelings with one another and know the other person knew exactly what we meant.
Now the next time "my friend" was due to arrive was while we were in Colorado with my family, due the last day we were there. I wanted SO badly to be able to be with family when we got pregnant again. (which I was hoping for in CA last month too) But I didn't want to get my hopes up too much. Now I usually wait until my friend is due to take the test, and every other time I've taken a test on my due date I am always negative. Then a couple days later I take it again and then I'm positive. That whole "know a whole 5 days before your first missed period" thing is a bunch a hooey. Well at least in my case. Anyway I was due on Monday and as I my previous history would show even then would most likely be too early. But on Thursday (Christmas Day) I SO badly wanted to take the test because I just thought it would be the best present EVER. So my mom and I ran out to the only thing open (Walgreen's) to get a test. I didn't take it immediately, I thought the later in the day better. : ) So right before we all sat down for Christmas dinner I took it. I laid the test down and gave myself a pep talk. "Now its super early, so it will probably be negative. And that's ok, it could be positive later. Or if not then this is just not the month and you get to try again, etc." Literally seconds after I laid it down, this appeared!
I was in complete shock!! I can not tell you how excited I was. Now I've always been excited about being pregnant but it was different this time, we truly treasure this pregnancy and won't take a minute of it for granted! What an awesome, awesome present. Later I had Bella bring the positive test over to my mom. : )
Something my friend that had a miscarriage shared with me, if we hadn't miscarried we would never meet and hold this newest little blessing. That makes me smile. Although we'll miss the one we lost, we're thrilled to meet this new little one we wouldn't have otherwise known. I am due Aug. 29 which is literally one year after we conceived the little one we lost. God's timing is truly just perfect. : )
And since there has been sort of withdrawal a pics of my cuties lately I
tried to get a picture of the big sisters today but they are impossible these days! : )

Pretty darling for being impossible!
My due date with Daisy was Aug 29! Cool! She was 1 week early. Should be a fun summer!
So sweet! I love their shirts! My due date was Aug. 28. I am so glad I read this today. It was really encouraging and although I cried through most of it, I am so happy for you!! Thank you for being such an encouragement to me!!
You have an amazing story! It's awesome how you used the trial the Lord gave you to encourage your friend and truly sympathize. I know things seem hard sometimes, but God really does work everything together for good! I'm so excited for you and have been praying that everything continues to go well! Love ya girl!
Oh my goodness...your story gave me chills and took me back to that exact same moment I saw the "pregnant" appear on the test last Jan (actually, a year ago tomorrow is when I found out I was pregnant with Raven!) Man, what a feeling...To have a miscarriage and then to get pregnant again. It changes you and you can't look at pregnancies the same anymore. I'm so happy for you. I know your heartache and I know your sheer excitement and anticipation! I am so happy for you and look forward to following along with you during your pregnancy :)
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